Statement of Purpose:
What Christians believe is essential. The following statements exist so people can know what
the Collegeside Church of Christ believes and how the church practices faith. These statements
also exist so that the members of the church know what convictions provide the foundation for
faith and practice. In a world where convictions are met with skepticism and disrespect, we
confess that the doctrine of Christ is both essential and beautiful. In a time when core doctrine
is minimized to make everything the same, we confess the beauty of knowing God better and
finding conviction in our distinct relationship with him. The doctrine of Jesus separates the
church from the world and shines a light on the redemption that Jesus offers to anyone who
comes to him. We also confess that not all churches are the same. These statements contain
the best summary of the Collegeside church’s understanding of the written and authoritative
word of God. The leadership and staff at Collegeside are always ready to discuss any of the
following in greater detail.

The most important question you will ever ask is, “How can I be saved?” Another way of asking
this question is, “How do I please and glorify God?” To understand salvation, you must realize
that God wants everyone to come to know Him and live with Him forever. Ultimately, glorifying
God is the highest call of humanity. To begin to glorify God, you must know salvation.
The following are the convictions we have about salvation:

God loves you and wants to save you. You can know this from hearing and understanding the
message of the good news of Jesus Christ. God loved the world so much that He sent His Son,
Jesus, to live a human life. Jesus was 100% man and 100% God. Since he lived as we do, he
understands what we go through. Since Jesus is God, he can provide salvation. Jesus lived a
perfect and sinless life. The perfection of Jesus replaces our state marred by sinful choices and
sinful nature. His perfect life and sacrifice enable us to have a relationship with God in his
righteousness and holiness. Without Jesus, there is no hope. (See John 3:16, Ephesians 2:1-6)

Believe that Jesus Christ is God’s Son. This belief must fill your heart to the point where you
are outwardly and inwardly willing to let Jesus Christ’s life and sacrifice cover your mind, body,
and soul. Belief is a decision of trust in Jesus. Every saved person has trusted Jesus completely
for their salvation. The Bible term for this process is justification. There is nothing a person can
do to earn their salvation. We can’t redeem ourselves. Jesus justifies us by taking our place and
paying for our sins. (See John 20:31)

Stop making sinful choices. The Bible calls this process repentance. It is more than simply
feeling sorry for the wrong things you have done. It is running from sin and toward God.
Repentance leads to changing your life’s path and choices in a way that draws you closer to
God, allowing Him to change things in your life. Christians must still let God deal with sin.
However, walking from one’s old life and embracing one’s new life is essential. Every day, a
person is sanctified because of the work of Jesus and the power of the Spirit working in their
lives. (See Acts 17:30)

Declare Jesus as Lord. Confessing Christ as Lord is a way of life. A person confesses the name of
Jesus before salvation. However, a person confesses the name of Jesus in life through their
words and actions. Confession should be vocal and testimonial. The way a person lives should
illustrate confession and dependence on Jesus. (See Matthew 10:32)

Be immersed in water to wash away sins.  A person takes on Christ’s death, burial, and
resurrection through baptism. Baptism is like saying to Christ, “I am ready for you to lead me
and follow the direction you want me to go – without you, I have no hope.” We believe baptism
should happen immediately when a person is ready to live out the story of Jesus. At the point of
baptism, a person receives the Holy Spirit, and fruit grows in our new life, cultivated through
the Word and the Spirit. (See Romans 6, Acts 2:38, Mark 16:16.)

Once a person receives the gift of salvation, believers follow Jesus actively. In other words,
baptism is not the end of the process. It is only the beginning of Jesus transforming the
believer’s life to faithfulness and holiness. This process is called sanctification. We follow Jesus
not to gain salvation but in response to the fact that Jesus saved us. Christians follow Christ’s
example by trying to live a life filled with love and the fruit of the Holy Spirit.

Our Core Convictions
About The Father — We believe the Father is a holy and righteous God who has called all men
to repentance. In God, there is no darkness at all. His will included sending his Son, Jesus, to pay
for the sins of humanity. This payment satisfied his righteous character and demonstrated his
great love. We believe God exists and rewards those who diligently seek Him. (See 2 Peter 3:9,
1 John 1:5, Psalm 30:5, Hebrews 11:6)

About the Son — We believe the Son is the exact imprint of the nature of God. It was through
his blood that salvation flowed. He is equal to the Father but serves a different role. Jesus is the
word and was in the beginning with the Father. He lived a perfect life so that the Law might be
fulfilled. This process is called justification. Jesus is the only way to the Father. (See Hebrews
1:3, John 1:1-5, John 14:6)

About the Holy Spirit — We believe the Holy Spirit is one with the Father and the Son. The Holy
Spirit actively participated in creation. He also worked miraculously through the apostles and
disciples of the first century. The Spirit continues to work today in and through the lives of
believers. One of his primary tasks in believers today is to aid in holiness or sanctification. He
works to make us more like Jesus. Holiness is demonstrated by the Fruit of the Spirit being
present in the life of a believer. (See Genesis 1:2, John 16, Acts 1, Ephesians 1:13-15, Acts 2:38,
2 Corinthians 3:16-17)

About the Bible — We believe the Bible is the authoritative Word of God. We believe the Bible
is accurate and reliable, was written under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, and is the
complete authority for all Christians in matters of faith and practice. In other words, the Word
of God is absolute truth. God is absolute truth. God’s word is absolute truth. The word is
sufficient for all things regarding life and salvation. We do not need anything more than God’s
word. (See 2 Timothy 3:16, 2 Peter 1:20-21, Psalm 119:105)

About Mankind — We believe that God created all people in his image. God’s desire for
humanity was to exalt Him throughout the ages. While that was the intent, creation was
fractured when sin entered the world. Sin and corruption marred everyone and everything. We
must enter into Jesus to have salvation. There is no hope without Jesus. (See Genesis 1:27,
Genesis 3:1-7, Acts 4:12)

About Salvation — We believe salvation is by grace through faith. This faith is more than mere
belief. We affirm that repentance follows the belief in Christ as God’s Son. Once repentance
begins, a person must declare Jesus as Lord. We confess our need because we can not manage
or pay for our sins. We continue to admit our need for the grace of God and the work of Jesus
forever. After the initial confession, immersion or baptism symbolizes taking on the death,
burial, and resurrection of Jesus. Every one of these pillars of salvation is essential. (See John
20:31, Acts 17:30, Matthew 10:32, Romans 6, Acts 2:38)

About Holiness — We believe that once a person receives salvation, they receive the gift of the
Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit empowers us to make positive changes in our lives. We lay down our
old, sinful life and trust God to make us a new person through the Spirit. The Spirit’s work
doesn’t mean a person never makes mistakes. It does mean that the longer a person truly
follows Jesus, the more like Him they will be. (See Acts 2:38, Ephesians 1:13-15, Galatians 5:22-
23, 2 Thessalonians 2:13, 1 John 1:7)

About Eternity — We believe this life is only a temporary part of the story of eternity. On the
Day of Judgment, those in Christ will be saved and spend eternity in Heaven with God. Those
out of Christ face eternal separation from God. Eternity with God is called Heaven. Eternity
without God is called Hell. (See John 17:3, John 5:24, 2 Thessalonians 1:9, Romans 6:23)

About the Church and Mission – We believe the mission of all churches is to make disciples of
Jesus Christ. Churches can help make disciples by instilling a love for Scripture, communion, and
gathering together. Churches should support evangelistic efforts and missions in their local
communities and worldwide that seek to preach the name of Jesus and his power over sin and
death. The expectation is for all Christians to be associated with and committed to a local body
of believers. (See Matthew 28:18-20, Ephesians 3:7-13, Ephesians 4:11-16, Hebrews 10:19-26)

Life and Identity – God’s holiness makes disciples distinct in the world. This distinctive way of
living motivates us to value all human life from conception to death, proactively seek God’s
heart in racial reconciliation as a demonstration of God’s Kingdom, define marriage as a
covenant between one man and one woman, flee every form of sexual immorality, and
encourage men and women to participate in ministry as partners. We believe in marriage and
ministry, and God has called men to lead. We believe the New Testament norm was for men to
preach, teach, and shepherd the whole assembly of believers. This philosophy is called
complementarianism. Women serve vital and essential roles within the church. The church
should seek to model this complementing relationship in ways that make sense and in ways
that honor God. We believe that God created men and women purposely. He said gender was
good in his excellent design. The church must uphold God’s creative order regardless of the
culture in which it exists.