Collegeside Event Calendar
UCSC Events
Kidside Events
Seniorside Events
Teenside Events
Collegeside Women's Ministry
Collegeside Men's Ministry
Collegeside Marriage Ministry
Mighty Oaks Mother's Day Out
Heartfelt Friends is a ministry for women of all ages and stages – from 18 to 108! We are moms and daughters, sisters, friends. We are all friends who become family. You can join a friendly group with mentors who will take care of you, feed you, entertain you, teach you, and give you a fun and faith-filled evening once a month. Registration is now closed. Please see Paula Harris if you have any questions. 

Women's Ministry Opportunities at Collegeside

FOODSIDE - Foodside is a ministry led by Peggy Palk. We provide meals for families who have suffered a loss or are in need.

HEARTFELT FRIENDS - Heartfelt Friends is a ministry for women of all ages and stages – from 18 to 108! We are moms and daughters, sisters, friends. We are all friends who become family. You can join a friendly group with mentors who will take care of you, feed you, entertain you, teach you, and give you a fun and faith-filled evening once a month. Paula Harris, Millie Burchett and Brenda Colglazier lead this ministry.

LADIES MONTHLY LUNCHEON - The Ladies meet together in the CLC on the 3rd Wednesday of each month. See Connie Eldridge if you have any questions about the luncheon.

LADIES RETREAT - The Ladies go on a retreat together every fall. See Connie Eldridge for more information about the Ladies Retreat.

LADIES CHRISTMAS DINNER -  The Ladies Christmas Dinner is a yearly tradition for our Women's Ministry.  Women of all ages come together in our worship center fora time of fun and fellowship. Our ladies will enjoy a great meal, entertainment, and beautifully decorated tables by the table hosts. LeeAnn Dunaway and Christy Shepherd plan this yearly event.